Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Izzy had another good school day working hard. She spent a lot of time with Camilla and was very intent on listening to her conversation with the vision therapist helping out. She did assisted walking again and did well, relaxing and taking cues to relax. The letter of the week is Q and her ST said she was trying to make the q sound in st. Her little pre-k friends played dress up with her yesterday and here's a picture of Izzy wearing fake hair and boa!

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Peculiar Blogs said...

What a great picture! Izzy is soo beautiful! :-)

Irene said...

It is so nice to see the other pupils embrace her like that. She is so sweet!

Luke's Mom said...

What sweet girls! They all look like they are having a great time. Izzy must love playing dress up.

I'm so excited to hear about Izzy ringing the bell. She is doing so awesome!

Love in Christ,

OKGardners said...

How sweet. The little girl holding Izzy's face is SO sweet! She has awesome friends. She is blessed!

Betty & Ed

Mary said...

Beautiful photos of Izzy. I went back in your blog and read all of your adventures in Florida. We just came back. Wasn't Sea World great. We took the grandsons and that was one of their favorite things.

Enjoyed visiting. I will keep Izzy in my prayers.


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

Izzy is a beautiful child!