Tuesday, August 14, 2007

school days~

Here's Izzy with Niecie and Barbara. I love them!
I also love Camilla who is not in the pic, I'll try to add her later. They are all a huge blessing!
Izzy had a great first day! She loved being in the pre-K classroom.
Camilla is going to have her walk (in the walkable) to pre-k two times per week.

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Julie said...

She looks so cute!!! I am glad she enjoyed her first day. Gabriel's first day is September 4th. Avery, Bryan, and Eric's first day is August 27th. It seems SO far away! : )

OKGardners said...

She is really growing! She is so blessed to have loving people surrounding her in every facet of her life.

God Bless Your entire family and Team of Helpers!

Betty & Ed

Mel said...

How wonderful that she has great teachers and such! It makes a world of difference, doesn't it!

Joyful Days said...

So good for Izzy to have great people. Keep it up Izzy!!



Anonymous said...

You are a big girl now Izzy at school. You look great.

Liz and Ashleigh

Anonymous said...

Awwww, doesn't Izzy look so pretty for her first day of school. I'm so glad her day went so well!!

Anonymous said...


You look so pretty in your new school clothes - and so aware. I love you sooooooooo much.


Anonymous said...

Isabelle has made so very many improvements - a blessing to see! I know it's so very hard on all of you but God is listening to our prayers.
Isabelle looks so precious and peaceful!
I'm a friend of Grandma Paula (a Golden Girl) & with her help, I have learned how to leave a message!
You are all in my daily prayers,

Lindy said...

Annie -

I found your blog through Jessica's site (Our daughter has LM like ME does). I was just drawn to your site somehow and my! What a lot you have been through. I cried my way through most of Izzy's story. You are a wonderful mom and an amazing testimony of walking by faith, one day at a time. Just wanted you to know that your story really touched me and that our family will be praying for yours, and for Izzy.

Lauren said...

Wow. I just dropped by after reading your comment on my WW post. Izzy was my daughter's age when she had her accident. Hannah loved the pool last week, and we had to be extra careful to make sure the doors to the outside were locked, because they were easy to open, even for her.

I'm so glad to read Izzy's progress and how God has healed her so far!

The Estrogen Files said...

What a big girl she is. So glad about the loving teachers!